2 Step Subtraction Word Problems Using Drawings to Write Equations - Lesson for Grade 2, Chapter - Word Problems Sums and Differences within 100

In the lesson "2 Step Subtraction Word Problems Using Drawings to Write Equations," second grade students embark on an engaging mathematical journey, diving into the world of word problems focusing on sums and differences within 100. This lesson falls under the broader unit of Applications in Operations Within 1000 and aims to build a strong foundation in understanding and solving complex word problems through a step-by-step approach.

Students will learn to carefully dissect two-step subtraction problems, an essential skill that not only enhances their ability to perform calculations but also significantly improves their reading comprehension and problem-solving abilities. By using drawings to visually represent these equations, students will develop a deeper understanding of the relationship between numbers and real-world scenarios. This method encourages students to think critically and make connections, fostering a more intuitive grasp of mathematics.

Through a variety of activities such as the Changing Leaves Worksheet, Garage Sale Worksheet, Melting Ice Worksheet, and Two-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems, students will practice and apply their learning in fun, relatable contexts. These exercises are designed to reinforce their skills in subtraction within 100, preparing them for more advanced mathematical concepts.

Estimated classroom time: 13 min
Chapter: Word Problems Sums and Differences within 100
Unit: Applications in Operations Within 1000
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Changing Leaves Worksheet
Changing Leaves Worksheet
3:00 min
Garage Sale Worksheet
Garage Sale Worksheet
3:00 min
Melting Ice Worksheet
Melting Ice Worksheet
4:00 min
Two-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
Two-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems
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  • Activity 1 / Changing Leaves Worksheet

    Who doesn't love the changing leaves when autumn comes? All the trees' leaves take on beautiful new colors and your children will love helping Sully the scientist as she observes the changing leaf pattern. Let them use this free worksheet to help her as they read the subtraction word problem and then pull out the bolded, important information. Once they do, they'll find and then circle the subtraction equation that matches the correct picture.

  • Activity 2 / Garage Sale Worksheet

    Jerry's having a garage sale, and he wants your child's help! With this free worksheet, your little math star will be able to practice subtraction word problems that involve multiple subtrahends, but they'll just think they're helping their new pal at his garage sale. After they read the problem and pull out the important information, they'll circle the correct equation and help him solve his problem!

  • Activity 3 / Melting Ice Worksheet

    Whew, the sun is hot and Izzy's ice is melting! Let your child help their new friend make sure she has enough ice cubes to make her refreshing lemonade as they read the word problem and then select the appropriate picture that matches the subtraction equation. They'll be able to use one-to-one number representation to help them figure out what the correct answer is and they'll gain practice in equations that involve more than one subtrahend.

  • Activity 4 / Two-Step Addition and Subtraction Word Problems - Quiz