Land and Water - Lesson for Kindergarten, Chapter - World Geography

In the "Land and Water" lesson, part of the "World Around You" unit in World Geography, kindergarteners will embark on an exciting journey to discover the basic elements that make up our planet. Through engaging activities such as the Landforms Printable and the Land or Water Worksheet, students will learn to identify various landforms like mountains, valleys, and plains, as well as differentiate between land and water bodies such as rivers, lakes, and oceans.

Understanding the distinction between land and water is fundamental as it lays the foundation for more advanced geographical concepts and environmental awareness. By recognizing the characteristics of different landscapes and waterways, students begin to appreciate the diversity of the Earth's surface. This knowledge is crucial for fostering an early respect for our environment and understanding the importance of conserving our natural resources.

Additionally, this lesson aims to enhance students' observational skills and encourage curiosity about the natural world. By exploring the concept of land and water, kindergarteners will not only expand their vocabulary but also develop a sense of wonder and exploration, inspiring them to learn more about the planet they call home.

Estimated classroom time: 6 min
Chapter: World Geography
Unit: The World Around You
Click on any activity below to start learning.
3:00 min
Landforms Printable
Landforms Printable
3:00 min
Land or Water Worksheet
Land or Water Worksheet
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  • Activity 1 / Landforms Printable

    As a parent, you know that the world is much bigger than your child’s own neighborhood. Unlock the door to the rest of the world by teaching your little explorer different types of terrain. Utilize this landforms printable worksheet to introduce your child to different types of landforms found across the world! 
    Completing this worksheet will help your child: 
    • Understand basic landforms 
    • Recognize the difference between landforms
    • Use critical thinking skills to apply prior knowledge to choose the correct answer
    Give your child the chance to form a growing appreciation of the world and everything in it, starting with the natural landforms common to our planet!

  • Activity 2 / Land or Water Worksheet

    The Earth has a large body of water covering it; even larger than land. A body of water covers the Earth’s surface. On the Earth, land is the area that is not covered by water. Give your kids some examples of areas that are covered by water, and ask them if they can give you some examples of large stretches of land. Now, look at this worksheet with them. Ask them if they can identify each of the picture, and then help them check the pictures that show land.