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Summer Reading Tips and Book Recommendations

June 19, 2023

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As parents and caregivers, we want to keep our kids engaged in learning during the summer break. Many learners will experience what is known as the “summer slide” which is when they lose some of the academic gains they have made during the school year over summer break. Reading, particularly in the elementary years, is an area that is vulnerable to that learning loss. Here are some recommendations for keeping elementary kids engaged in reading during the summer:

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5 Easy Steps to Create a Home Summer Learning Plan

June 11, 2023

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Afraid of the summer learning slide? Put your child to work in a fun and meaningful way by creating a unique summer learning plan tailored to the needs and interests of your child. Select rewards, create goals, and plan exciting activities that will energize your child for summer learning! This article offers you a step-by-step guide to designing your child’s very own summer learning program that will keep him and her learning each and every day this summer break!

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Preventing the Summer Slide: Ways to Empower Learning This Summer

June 10, 2023

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Everybody has heard of the summer slide, but this year a new moniker is taking its place. Prevent your child from falling even further behind this summer thanks to the pandemic slide. Read this article to find summer activities for kids at home to keep your child’s skills sharp this summer!

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Improving Your Child’s Reading Comprehension at Home: Tips for Parents

May 23, 2023

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Over the last few years, many children experienced learning loss in some academic areas due to the pandemic. Parents are concerned that their elementary students struggle with developing reading skills, so important for learning success. We'll provide ways to address these issues using the science of reading—the latest teaching approach based on extensive research. 

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10 Great Hands-On Activities for Exploring the Alphabet

May 17, 2023

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Most parents read to their children starting from day one. But once kids enter kindergarten, it’s expected that they can recognize and recite the alphabet. So how can we, as parents, make a bridge from reading about the alphabet, to actually learning to recognize it? The answer is as simple as by mixing it up! By offering a variety of activities, especially those that require hands-on learning, kids learn the alphabet in no time. Keep reading to discover 10 exciting alphabet activities for preschoolers!

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Introducing Kids Academy Summer Camp

May 17, 2023

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This year, it’s crucial that kids are given every opportunity to prevent learning loss and sharpen their skills for the next grade. That’s why Kids Academy has developed an innovative summer camp program to support your young learners in subjects across the curriculum. Teachers and tutors can also use it in their summer sessions as a remediation tool to guard against learning loss from school closures this spring.

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Why Children Fight and How to Help Them Resolve Conflicts Peacefully

May 10, 2023

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Conflicts are an inevitable part of life, whether you’re an adult or a child. Realizing that there is a gap between our expectations and those of other people can feel frustrating and unfair. Children often experience conflicts in social interactions as they widen their social world through school and friends. During such times, caregivers can help children manage their intense feelings and arrive at solutions to resolve conflicts.

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Homework in the Era of Chat GPT: An Opinion from a Parent and Educator

April 27, 2023

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In this article, Lori Toney, a secondary school teacher and a parent of three elementary students, reflects upon the current situation with chat GPT and how it is affecting the educational process in schools. She reviews the possible dangers and benefits of the new technology and shares her ideas on how to anticipate its potential detrimental effect on the quality of school education.

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Let’s Celebrate Earth Day!

April 17, 2023

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From National Puppy Day to National Ice Cream Day, there seems to be a holiday for everything! With so many informal commemorative days on the yearly calendar, it’s easy to understand why people may grow weary of constant holidays. While the list seems to be growing larger with each passing year, there is one holiday that has been around for a while that must not be ignored: Earth Day. 

Established on April 22nd, 1970, Earth Day was founded to bring international attention to environmental issues, especially regarding the role that humans play in harming the planet. Just a year before the first Earth Day, the Cuyahoga River in Cleveland, Ohio caught fire, shocking the nation. The pollution in the river was so toxic that unfathomable happened when water caught fire. This, along with other major environmental disasters inspired people to protest to help bring a heightened awareness to these harmful events.

Considering the damage that human inventions have caused, Earth Day was created to educate people about the importance of caring for the planet through conservation, recycling, and saving it from the harms of pollution and deforestation. Because our children represent the future of human life and society, it’s critically important that they learn about and celebrate Earth Day to build habits that will benefit the planet for the sake of all future generations. 

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Expert  Sheard photo
by Julie Sheard (Educator and Specialized Instructional Assistant)

What Does It Mean to Be a Good Parent: Guiding your Child with Effective Encouragement

March 24, 2023

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Remember those piano lessons your mom made you take in the third grade? Was it your idea to start…or hers? We, as parents, want to guide our children toward the best opportunities and experiences to build skills and resiliency. Nonetheless, our understanding of what is best for them may not always match their own.

 Parents usually know what is best for their children since they have a unique understanding of their requirements, preferences, and desires. This ultra-close relationship allows parents to better steer their children into becoming responsible adults. You want your child to respect, trust, and listen to you, and you want to be encouraging but not overbearing. Parental pushing is typical, as parents seek that fine line between motivating their children and placing extra stress on them.

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