Foundational Reading Lessons | Print Concepts for 6-Year-Olds

Foundational Reading Lessons | Print Concepts for 6-Year-Olds Foundational Reading Lessons for 6-Year-Olds | Print Concepts lessons

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Unveil the magic of reading with our "Print Concepts for 6-Year-Olds" course! Designed specifically for young learners, this engaging program combines interactive worksheets, captivating educational videos, and assessment quizzes to build a solid foundation in print concepts. Watch as your child discovers the joy of reading, understanding the basics like the difference between letters and words, recognizing print directionality, and grasping the concept of words conveying messages. Perfect for 6-year-olds, this course makes learning to read an adventure, fostering a love for books and reading that will last a lifetime. Join us and watch your child blossom into a confident reader!

  • 6
  • Print Concepts